Det er en glæde at præsentere en masterclass workshop med Geert Lefevere fra Korzybski Instituttet i Belgien omkring løsningsfokuseret supervision. Dagen henvender sig til den erfarne praktiker, der har kendskab til den løsningsfokuseret tilgang. Geert skriver om dagen:
Solution Focused Supervision is about a supervisor- supervisee relationship in order to actualize resources, skills and ideas useful for the supervisee in the relationship with his/her client(s). The focus is thus on the supervisee and not on the client, although the benefit for the client is obvious. How can we connect to supervisees in such a way that they leave the supervision taller then they got in? What are they motivated for? How do they understand responsibility? What kind of change are they looking for? What do they rely on? What nourishes them?
In this workshop we will share ideas about how to engage in supervision. We will experience different formats of doing supervision. Some of them more convenient for individual supervision, others will address groups and teams..
Bring along your expertise and experience in supervision, bring along your best hopes!
Geert er klinisk psykolog, løsningsfokuseret psykoterapeut, sportspsykolog og underviser på Korzybski International i Brugge, Belgien.
Dagen afholdes i vores lokaler på Vangedevej 225, 2830 Dyssegård og foregår på et let forståeligt engelsk, så alle kan være med :-) Vi serverer en let frokost samt kaffe med kage om eftermiddagen.
Pris: 1.500 Dkr. + moms - vær opmærksom på, der er begrænset deltagerantal, så tilmelding efter "først til mølle".
Vi glæder os til at se dig.
Solveig, Karin & Anne-Marie
Masterclassworkshop with Geert Lefevere from the Korzybski Institute in Belgium. For the first time in Denmark Solutionsbywulf present a workshop around SF supervision. This course is relevant for the experienced solution focused practitioner and you can read introduction above.
The masterclass will take place at our location in Dyssegård, Copenhagen, and the price includes lunch along with coffee and cake :-) The price is 200 € or 1500 Dkr. ex. taxes and please, be aware that the numbers of participants are limited.